Green Economy Workshops

Edu Station had the privilege of partnering with the European Union to conduct a series of enlightening workshops between the years 2018 and 2021 that focused on the vital subject of green economy. This collaborative initiative took place across five regions in Jerusalem, targeting two key groups: school students and aspiring entrepreneurs. With a total of ten workshops, our objective was to raise awareness and foster a deeper understanding of sustainable practices within the community.

The workshops were designed to cover a wide range of topics related to green economy and its significant impact on the environment. Through interactive sessions, participants gained valuable insights into the consequences of poor waste management, the importance of recycling, and the implementation of healthy waste disposal techniques. Engaging discussions also explored various aspects of sustainable practices, encouraging participants to adopt environmentally friendly approaches in their daily lives. By nurturing the knowledge and awareness of both students and entrepreneurs, we aimed to create a future generation equipped with the tools to drive positive change and build a greener economy.